Run "Export Digital Titles" Job

Click Admin then Run a Job

Search "export digital" to narrow down the 100+ jobs. Select Export Digital Titles and click Next.

Select the Set you want to perform the job on and click Next.

Change the following parameters:

  1. Target format = OAI DC

  2. Bibliographic record formats to include = Dublin Core

Everything else can be left as is. Click Next.

No need to give the job a name, so click Submit. You will receive an email once the job is complete (quick depending on size of collection/set). Click the History tab and then the report link.

Click the "Link to Exported records" link.

Click the .xml bibliographic link to download the file. It should download to wherever your downloads directory is. Now you can run the XSLT to copy each record from the .xml file into individual .xml files for ingest to Preservica.

Last updated