Create Set From Analytics

Now that the collection has been saved as an analysis, you can create a set "From Analytics." Back in Alma, select Admin then Manage Sets

Click Add Set then Itemized

Give the set a name (probably the name of the collection), select Digital titles from the "Set content type" dropdown, and select From Analytics. Alma will take a bit to process all the directories in analytics. Now's a good time for a stretch 🙆‍♀️ or coffee (seriously).

The folder will default to "Recent reports" and the analysis you just saved doesn't always show up there. Select the Davidson College 01DCOLL_INST/Reports/Alma Digital folder directory and then the name of the analysis in the field below the folder. Click Save. You'll receive an email when the set has be created (usually instantly)

It will now show up as a set under My Sets. 🎉

Last updated