Rename XML Files for Media

Since the .xslt created single .xml files, you now need to rename these to match the media files exactly, with the additional .metadata, e.g., OHI-0357_V_ShowersCharlesO_20220310.mp4.metadata This is what Preservica requires.

I recommend going back to the XML Editor perspective for a fuller screen of the long .xml file.

The new list of files e.g., file1-40.xml are in the same order as they appear in the main .xml file exported from Alma. Scroll through that file to target the newly transformed individual files and match it with the fileX.xml. The easiest way is to find the OHI in the <dc:identifier> field.

Copy the file name from one of the media files that match the OHI ID

Rename fileX.xml and paste the copied text and edit the .xml with .metadata

Open the newly named .metadata file and make sure the dc:type matches the media it's for. This is the only dc field that will need to be updated. Typical names are:

  • V and .mp4 for MovingImage

  • A and .mp3 or .m4a for Sound

  • T and .pdf or .doc for Text

Once the dc:type matches the media file type, Save As

Rename the file (typical examples above). Oxygen Editor will add .xml after the .metadata so make sure to delete .xml as this speeds up the Ingest process in Preservica.

If there's one (1) Audio, one (1) Video, and one (1) Transcript media, there should be three (3) metadata files, totalling six (6) files.

Continue through the list of transformed .xml files from the .xsl using this method.

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